2020 brought us many surprises; the desire to bring normalcy into our lives by ordering our favorite meals has been one shiny beacon into an otherwise dismal year.
This project's mission was to highlight loved features and bring solutions to users' pain points when ordering their favorite take out.
Role: User Research, Visual Layout, Prototyping & Testing 2020
Tools & Methods: Comparative Analysis, Concept Evaluation, Usability Testing, Wireframing & Prototyping, Axure, Sketch, Zoom.
The Process
Three subjects were interviewed over a 30-minute phone call. Based on subjects' responses, proto-persona charts were created to identify user goals, desires, wants, needs, and pain-points. This chart led to the creation of a single goal statement.
My user group is individuals who enjoy rewarding themselves and others, that want to be rewarded for their user loyalty with perks, clear delivery times, transparent menu descriptions that allow for reliable service that caters to cravings and budgeting needs.
Using my goal statement, I set out to sketch out concepts. I created a hierarchy that highlighted:
Familiar red, yellow, green color-coded system to represent delivery times
A dropdown list next to the search bar was created to help quickly define searches
A user rewards program that would address budgeting needs
DIgitize Concepts
I then digitized my concepts using Sketch to build out a basic wireframe and detailed notes on functionality and critical elements.
Prototyping allowed me to fully submerge myself into my users' mindset by creating usability and functionality elements.
Click the play button to see the prototype in action!
Usability Testing & Concept Evaluations
Four participants were given a list of scenario-based questions to explore the app and demonstrate how they would solve common everyday food app ordering needs.
Users were given scenarios to find:
Main menu items by ingredient
Sorting restaurants by delivery times
Ordering food for groups of 2-6 people
Discovering the key benefits of the perks reward program
-Participants ranged in ages 30-65 and were 50% male and 50%, female
-81% of participants were able to complete all task successfully
-100% of participants understood the app was related to food ordering within the initial 15 seconds of seeing the app
-75% of participants noticed the red, yellow, and green icons related to food delivery times
-75% of participants saw the reward points and wanted to learn more about the points
-25% of participants used dropdown menu to find delivery times
-25% of participants wanted to schedule ahead versus sorting restaurants by 30 -1 hr delivery times
Overall Findings & Recommendation Report
Overall hierarchy on the main page was positive, however inside pages like restaurant results and menu items pages needed to be more apparent. Revisions of font size, the weight of text, call-out boxes, categorization, the color scheme should be A/B tested in a future usability test.
Gulf of execution and gulf of evaluation needs to be clear such as positive feedback such as additional color changes to buttons or haptic feedback when clicking on different points.
Having multiple pathways to completing tasks like having the dropdown menu feature delivery times, and an icon button was helpful throughout testing.